
Aching muscles =X

Had a cool day in school today.
Felt refreshed after the long weekend and was ready to start school. =)

What was interesting about today was that little miss Hazel and I were talking about pick-up lines.
And we realised we came up with a few good ones.

1. Question: "Did it hurt?"
Reply: "What did?"
Answer: "When you fell from heaven."

2. Question: "Is your father a thief?"
Reply: "Of course not."
Answer: "Oh shucks, I thought so, cause I thought he stole all the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes."

3. How many letters are there in the alphabet?
25. Because U and I are 1.

Cheesy? Wait till you hear the last one. (meant for only math inclined ppl)

4. Hi, I'm sine square, can you be cosine square so we both can be ONE?

LOL, thinking about those lines only give me goosebumps.

Besides that, I was speculating about how unfair or uninitiated Singapore's education is.
When you think about it, not many Singaporeans win nobel prizes or receive patents.
This is because the education system in our country has certain rules and regulations to follow.

To emphasize, take America for example.
They give you a formula, but they give you the freedom to research and to use other methods in solving a similar question.
Hence, for Singapore, our education is majority based on pure and taxing memory, especially chemistry.

The teachers hand you a particular equation, and expect you to follow it.
Can't we students choose to think otherwise?
Our sense of creativity and imagination has gone down the drain due to standard formulas, methods of answering and mundane equations that students like us store in our recollective bank and apply when the need arises.
Then aren't we being boring, simple and useless robots who just follow orders.

Well, it does help, due to the fact that many Singaporeans are just plain lazy to brainstorm by themselves.
But at least give students freedom to learn for themselves.
Implement creative learning.
Build independent leaders who no longer will be in need of the Holy lecture notes.

Like what I told Miss Koh today - "One day, I'm going to prove gravity wrong."
Hmmmm. That's kind of unconventional, so I'm going to start small by finding my own theory.
It's gonna be called - "Yan's theorom"

Went out with A4 on Sunday to catch a bite at Astons.
Even though I was wearing what I wore for the last 48 hours, I wouldn't miss them for anything.

Here are some pictures we took.

Happy Hours

"Nose picking service at just 30 cents -
Satisfaction guaranteed, just look at Aloy."

On cloud A4

New adidas deodourant ad.

John's true image when you look at him through a knife-o-scope.

Oh btw, I hope I'll get my 5x5x5 Rubik's tomorrow.
Thanks Cal, Gv, Sean for the belated X'mas gift. =D
