

"The greatest man you'll ever meet in your life is the one who holds the key to unlock the future destined for you" - Dr. Robb Thompson

Well, studies have been going smoothly for me.
But I'm still not yet confident that I can get straight As. =D

I woke up one morning feeling kind of blue.

I used to think that mornings aren't my kind of thing.
I used to hate mornings.

"Why should I be waking up so early?"
"What's the use of getting out of bed at 6 for school, when you know you'll only be done with the day by 5?"
"Why must I wake up to study, I'll do it at night."

The pleasant morning for me used to be one which I would get up at 2 or 3.

Why did I waste my time sleeping from 8 or 9, all the way till the afternoon?
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1, 2.

6 hours of sleeping.
I could do 3 maths papers in 6 hours.

Some might argue that sleep is essential.
There may be a few who say that sleeping is a productive activity.
Not when you're sleeping 14 or 15 hours everyday.

I need to cultivate a habit of 6 to 8 hours of sleep.
That'll be essential for me.
And I urge people to think likewise as well.

Recent research has shown that people who have the longest lifespan are those who sleep an average of 6 to 7 hours a day.
Scientists used to think it was 8 hours a day.
Well, what do you know, humans adapt to their busy work schedule. =)

I'm the kind of person who needs to take every hour of the day into account.
I will feel down in the dumps if I knew I had wasted my time sleeping or on something else.
Every minute of my life is crucial to my survival.
Hmmmm, probably not to that extent.

I woke up today, feeling kind of new.

[quoted from Angel in Disguise]