
*Ding-Dong, Doors closing*

Kids don't ever try this in class when you're sleeping.

The library has seemed to have taken a toll on me.
I'm soooooo addicted to visit the library at least once everyday.

It started out as a conducive place to study, but it became an everyday affair.

I'm starting to become like the woman John told me about who unofficially "married" herself to the Berlin Wall because she thought IT was handsome.
She was wall-fetish.

Maybe I am library-fetish.

*snap out of it*


I learnt that word pretty late in my life.
I remember in Primary 4, my teacher wrote in my report card:
"Ryan needs to make use of his holidays fruitfully to attain the good results he is aiming for."

It's not about how much time we have that is important.

What matters is how we utilize and employ the time we have to the best of what we got in order to make our future goals a reality.

TIME is an important seed which human beings must treasure.
We must have the knowledge to purposefully sow what I might like to call "time-seeds".
As "farmers", know which ground is suitable to sow this "time-seed" in.
I must say majority of MY "time-seeds" have been sown into the studygrounds.

Don't worry if you have not sown your seeds into good ground.
You still have many many more seeds to start afresh with.

Like I have said, as "farmers" we must plan and have foresight.
"What weather would come in the near future?"
"Will the climate be suitable or ideal for my seeds to germinate?"

With that knowledge in your hands, anyone will be able to be the leading farmers of the future.
The harvest will indeed be plentiful and rich in quality.
Stop procrastinating and start growing healthy crops for the future NOW.