
The journey of life.

Bumped into a few of my old friends yesterday.
They're about 15-16 now.

Yes, they've changed.
But in a way, they're still the same.
The same old way we used to do things still resides in them.

It reminded me of my former self.
Childish, immature, rowdy, vulgar and disrespectful.
Made me do some self-reflection.

It was like looking into the mirror and only to see yourself, 4-5 years ago.
"Was I like that?"
Yes, I was.
And it looked a whole lot different compared to who I am now.

I've moved on.
I've thrown away my old self and put on a new man.
Forgiven of my past crimes and sins.
I've taken the biggest step of my life.
And have made the biggest decision.
I'm thankful for that.