


Nothing much, but ONE thing to say about yesterday. Fellowship with cell was fun at the airport.

Actually, our main purpose was to welcome Weers back from overseas. We all went high at terminal 2 (I think) and were super noisy.

One funny scenario was at the arrival hall when the cell was looking out for Weers from the opposite side of the glass panel. I was sitting behind them in a daze due to lack of sleep. At the same moment when they saw Weers appearing from behind the wall, they saw a Ryan look-alike coming out from no where.

That is when I heard, "Ryan, why are you on the other side of the glass?" And everyone looked at me, awestruck.

Okay, cheap thrill. That is when I thought to myself, may be when I was half-conscious I teleported through the glass and out. Haha.

Sometimes I wish I could. As in teleport. During the most desperate moments, where you need to get to places in a hurry, and you know you have no alternative but to be late. And it would result in you facing severe and crucial consequences. During lazy moments, when you have no mood to walk back home from the MRT station. When you feel your whole body will shut down with the next step you make. During those times, I wish i could teleport.

I would think to myself how much easier my life would be like if I could just have the power to switch myself into a new dimension by just closing my eyes or clicking my fingers. How much faster it would be to travel and how much longer I can spend my time on things I want to do.

But I can't.

Haha. To tell you the truth, that is another childish thought of mine which i will ponder about once in awhile. But I have come into terms with it.

God made us in such a way where we can build our own character by our own independence. If one day someone is able to discover a way to teleport, everyone in this world would want to get their hands on that appliance or item. Then, wouldn't the whole world be a spoilt society, where people do not appreciate their own and each others' time?

When John asked me to help me buy him a cake a few days before, I willingly agreed to sacrifice my time to assist him in purchasing a cake. This way, he can appreciate my time, wouldn't he. However, if I could teleport, I would be able to get the cake in no time, rendering my time not being sacrificed and resulting in my time not being appreciated.

Okay, I just realised I sound like I'm stating a formula, hence I shall stop here. =)


Plaza Singapura gig!!!Well, it's not so much of a gig, but instead a tiny, insignificant performance. Firstly, the AV equiptment was of low-end budget, which makes our voices and sounds muffled, creating a boring atmosphere. Secondly, we were at some secluded area in Plaza Sing, where no one will stop and watch, leading to a small amount of spectators = low audience enthusiasm / participation.

Of course, there were many things which my band were complaining about after the performance. But personally, despite all the technical fault and difficulties, I loved it. In my opinion, I'm really happy because I had fun learning the 8 NEW songs that we decided on playing today. Furthermore, my best friends came to support me although their schedule was hectic.

Thanks John, Aloy, PetPet, Jonathan, Christy, Kelvin for coming to see one of our "not so good" Butterfly performances.