
In memory of...

Is life really that unfair?

Putting it simply, most of us are blessed with many privileges which others are longing to have.
Family, friends, possessions, gifts and overall, a good life.

Recently, John and I were cycling back and forth from his house and mine because our forgetfulness got the better of us.
Between such short distances, he accidentally ran over a rodent and I ran over a cockroach.
That makes two innocent lives in one day.
Even though they're not humans, it is still pitiful and sad when you know you've committed such an act.

It got me thinking.
But what about those lost souls and weary beings in the countries where war has been labelled a lifestyle for them?
Don't they also deserve the right treatment as us?
They're human beings after all.
War has stripped them off their basic rights.

However in a way, it made me also appreciate the life which I have.
It made me grateful of the things which I have.
So I have to make use of the time I have on earth wisely.
How can a few decades on earth compare to eternity which awaits me?
I'll have to enjoy it while it lasts.

I gotta go to those places to do some overseas CIP soon. =)