

As I stepped into the entrance of the store, my eyes chanced upon a dark, slim figure.

I glaced back and forth to make sure my mind wasn't playing tricks on me.

I saw her, for the first time.

I wandered around the store for moment, watching her as she stood by her friends, many friends.

I decided to walk closer, to get a better view.

Trying not to be suspicious, I pretended to be interested in the stereo-systems while keeping her at the corner of my sight.

The moment was right, this was my chance.

I took the few steps of courage up to her and looked her in the eye.

Bizzare as it was, her friends lay motionless as they stared at me.

Being curious, I too had to look at a few of them.

I gulped down what seemed to be my last breath.

I put my arms around her.

One hand supporting her neck and the other on her body.


I picked her up.
And she went back with me to my place.

We had a good time so far.
Got to know her alot even if it was the first day we met.

She's special, that's why I picked her amongst all her other friends.
Some even demanded a higher price for their loyalty. =))

Say hello to Fiona.
Isn't she pretty.
She's like a human soul singing to me with her 6 strings.

And no I'm not guitar-fetish.